Board of Mission & Ministry - continued
One week each year is designated as Mission Week. During this week, a different community project is scheduled for each day. Normally included in mission week is ECCCM to work sorting clothes or bagging food; PCC to sort baby clothes, plant flowers, work on Bottle-It campaign or anything else that may need to be done; Corner Table by providing lunch or serving meals; Habitat For Humanity by providing a snack or lunch on-site for the local Habitat project; Lutheran Home by volunteering to sing one evening for the residents.
The Board provides information and encouragement to the congregation concerning the church's worldwide social ministry programs such as Lutheran World Relief and Wheatridge and also the Synodical Institutional Services such as Bethesda, Armed Service Commission and Lutheran Braille Ministry.
A 5th Sunday Offering is collected for various Mission & Ministry projects. Sometimes this money is designated for the general fund which is used to help local people in need with their utility bills, rent or provide food vouchers. Other times this money is designated to one of our local or world missions mentioned previously, or some special project or need that arises such as an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, etc.
The following are other projects that Mission & Ministry have assisted with recently:
Lutherans for Life |
Lutheran Hour Ministries |
Red Cross |
National Night Out |
Relay For Life |
Samaritan's Purse |
CROP Walk |
Bottle-It |
Ice Cream Social |
Care Packages |
Trunk or Treat |
Souper Bowl Sunday |
Hurricane Relief Kits |
Prayer Shawls |