VBS 2012: Adventures on Promise Island !
Where kids discover GOD'S life saving love!
July 8 – July 12, 2012
6:00 pm - 8:20 pm
Dinner served nightly from 5:15 to 6:00
Ages 3 years - 6th grade
Nursery provided for ages 0-2
Children: Sign up today on-line - The first 50 registrations receive a free T-Shirt.
Volunteers: We need your help. Please volunteer today! Download your Volunteer Form here Or Volunteer On-Line
Early registration deadline is Sunday, July 3 to guarantee a VBS t-shirt and a ticket towards a finale night with games and inflatables.
Come join us for Adventures on Promise Island–where kids discover God’s lifesaving love! Amid swaying palm trees, exotic wildlife, and welcoming sunshine, kids will learn that God Promises:
Sunday: I am with you.
Monday: I care about you.
Tuesday: I give you what you need.
Wednesday: I will save you.
Thursday: I will answer you.
Nightly activities include:
Crafts – Project Pointe
Games – Fun Time Falls
Bible Lesson – Lifeguard Lagoon
Drama – Seaside Celebration
Snacks – Coconut Café
VBS at Concordia:
Concordia Lutheran VBS introduces a fun and meaningful theme each year, geared toward the teaching of our faith through interactive stories, games and other activities. With over 100 participants and over 50 adult and youth volunteers, our VBS is truly a wonderful ministry. Our youth volunteers experience the opportunity of leadership, role responsibility, and care-taking in a fun, faith-filled and familiar environment. Our adult volunteers are also invaluable in their roles as Station Leaders and Crew Leaders in guiding our children through this experience. And last but not least, our young and cherished participants always walk away with smiles on their faces, songs in their hearts, newly made friends and most importantly, a closer relationship with Jesus.
Contact Delaina Bryan at delainab@charter.net or call 828-261-5641 with any questions.