
Board of Elders - continued

New Members
Elders welcome new members by personal contact and are concerned with adequate instruction of youth for confirmation.

Church Discipline
Elders consider members' complaints and grievences according to Matthew 18 and carry out church discipline diligently, carefully and prayerfully in accordance with the Word of God.

Special Concerns
Elders may form a "pulpit committee" when there are pastoral vacancies and encourage younger members to prepare for the full-time work in the Kingdom.

Elders periodically review, along with the Pastors and staff, the nature and conduct of the worship service.  They review whether the music, hymns, liturgy, sermons, offerings, Baptism, and Holy Communion are meaningful to members and also to visitors. They also monitor the condition of the sanctuary and recommend physical improvements when necessary. The Board of Elders, together with the Pastor, is responsible for arranging the pulpit and for Holy Communion assistance, special services, and guest speakers, worship aids, and liturgical decorations.  Elders assist in the distribution of the Lord's Supper, the administration of Holy Baptism, and serve an appointment as elders of the month in the direction of public worship.

Altar Care
Elders prepare guidelines for the altar committee and arrange for the purchase of candles, communion wafers, and wine. They provide for care of service books and Bibles.

Church Music
Together with the Pastor and Minister of Music, Elders strive to make use of music and singing more meaningful and worshipful including developing a philosophy of Christian music and goals for worship and recommending the annual budget for music.

Ushers & Acolytes
Elders promote reverent worship by arranging for members to serve as ushers, providing usher duties and training.

Crisis Care
The Board of Elders is concerned with the ministry of care by being attentive to those in need and extending help in Christ's name to fellow Christians and to everyone in need of help. Together with Mission and Ministry, Elders extend church facilities to community care projects when need exists.

