Give Online
Thank you for your financial support of Concordia Lutheran Church. Online giving provides convenience for those who want to faithfully and consistently make a financial tithe or gift to the church.
Common questions about Concordia Lutheran online giving:
What is online giving and what are its benefits?
Online giving for our regular worship service offerings. It is an additional, convenient method to submit your regular offering or one-time gift. You may also set up a recurring donation schedule as well as indicate your desired fund allocation.
Is online giving secure?
Yes. Concordia Lutheran uses an established third-party vendor to transfer funds. Information submitted online is protected in compliance with applicable federal and state regulations, including firewalls and data encryption.
What is the difference between submitting an offering via automatic withdrawal, credit card and debit card?
An automatic withdrawal transaction transfers funds directly from bank to bank, and funds are withdrawn from your back account immediately. Funds thereby do not go through a credit agency (e.g., Visa). Offerings contributed via debit and credit cards go through a credit agency (i.e., Visa, Mastercard or Discover).
Are there fees associated with each method of online giving?
Each type of online giving incurs some kind of fee. These fees will be absorbed by Concordia Lutheran Church and not your account.
For questions concerning your online transactions, please contact Leslie Brown.